Monday, November 30, 2009

I need a ramp to get out of my rut!

Usually I am very productive, I tend to accomplish all my tasks in my day and I try to stay ahead of schedule. However, this past week I have been procrastinating like crazy! I honestly do not have any desire this week to do my college work, I have no desire to clean my home, or do the laundry, or even leave my house for that matter! I don't know if it's because it's starting to get cold and I want to be lazy or if it's because I haven't been sleeping well. Maybe because Bella is becoming increasingly difficult the further we get into the terrible 2's. But, I do know it sucks and I need to snap out of it soon. Lately I feel as if I am treading the water, doing the bare minimum and I HATE feeling like that! At any rate I have to do dishes tonight so I am going to go now.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm Back!

Well sorry for that extended break, between my lovely daughter not sleeping, Thanksgiving, wrapping the Christmas presents and decorating; blogging was picker to suffer. Hey I try to be Supermom but sometimes I can't get it all!

Well I had a scary revelation today. For those who don't know me in real life, I live in a small, rural town. Today (on a Sunday no less) at 8:30 a.m. the local Subway had an armed robbery. That's really scary, apparently the 17 year old clerk was not injured just terrified and the suspect got away. The scary revelation is not only this happen about 2 1/2 blocks from my house but I'm not safe in a small town. It freaks me out that my daughter cannot go outside and play the way I did as a child. I have lived in this town my entire life and I no longer feel safe. I would expect this in a larger city but not here and not on a Sunday morning before I got out of bed.

Okay so that was my deep depressing news for the day, now on to happy things! Bella has been potty training for 2 days now and I am happy to report that she has only had 2 accidents wearing big girl panties! Thank God, diaper days are almost gone!

The day of Christmas I am leaving on a week long, kid free vacation!! Ed and I will be driving to North Carolina. We decided to drive mainly because I am freaked out to fly that far on a holiday and I have never seen that part of the country. So my blogging buddies I will be making a photo diary of my trip. I don't know if I will be able to upload as I go but I will be sharing my vacay with you all!

And in the spirit of the holiday, past and future, I am making a challenge to my readers. If you decide to post a comment to this blog please make an "I'm Thankful for.." comment.

I am thankful for my wonderful family, related and not, who are there to support me, challenge me to be the best I can, and love me regardless everyday of the year.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Frantics

Another day, another dollar right? I just keep telling myself that phrase so I don't go completely crazy with 2 year olds in my house. I must say I am extremely thankful for tile floors and slip covered furniture, since I had ketchup smeared all over from lunch. And is everyone else's kids crapping out of control today? Since 8am I have changed 3 poopie diapers, yuck! Maybe I should change the title to Adventure's in Babysitting; that's a funny movie, maybe because I identify with it.

I must say I am slightly annoyed, for those of you who actually know me know I am a social networking addict. Facebook, Myspace, Cafemom, blogs, and etc. I do it all. I have noticed that people cannot stay on topic while responding to posts. Ignorant people have nothing of substance to contribute to posts so they begin personally attacking the author or other posters. Can we not grow up a little bit and not bash others? I typically do not bash the authors or posters unless something rude is said to me. If I do not have any legitimate opinions on the subject, which doesn't happen often, I keep my fingers off the keyboard. I was also unaware until today that I had to submit my blogs and comments to the WritePoint checker my school has for grammatical, spelling, and other mechinal errors. I am a strong writer when I am graded for it, not when I am bs-ing on the intenet. I mainly just detest ignorance.

At any rate, I should stop blogging and leave the social networking sites alone for about an hour to do some housework and pack my bags since I am going out of town this weekend. Have a wonderful day all and a pleasant weekend!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

So today I was reading a post on about 6th grade bullies and it made me think back to my childhood and how people are raising their children. The post was from an after school babysitting who watches a boy and a girl both in 6th grade at the same school. Apparently one day in class the boy hit the girl in the girl, not hard just in a teasing fashion. The girl told the teacher and boy got in trouble for it. Well the kids are going back and forth picking on each other. No injuries have been incurred. Well the girl went to school today with her arm wrapped up in a bandage and told all of the kids that this boy beat the crap out of her. He told the teacher that she was lying and she got in trouble. The babysitter wanted to know if she should call the girl’s mother and talk to her about the situation at school. That, surprisingly enough, isn’t what upset me. The women who responded to this woman stated that she should not watch the boy anymore because he was going to grow up and beat women.

Last I checked kids picked on each other, and while it can get bad and it should be stopped, it’s part of growing up. I don’t think it’s fair to call this little boy a wife beater cause he AND this girl are picking on each other. Now, before I get bashed I know that school bullying is an issue and I know it can be dangerous but I feel as a society we are blowing things way out of proportion. Why do we feel it mandatory to over analyze every action our children take? My kid can be a bully at two and she doesn’t want to share her toys, does that mean she is going to be a serial killer? I think not. We really need to back off and let our kids be kids.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Wednesday Rantings

I have just returned from shopping with my mother and I had to take a prozac as soon as I walked into the house...I wonder if my doctor will prescribe me a prozac drip for such occassions? Okay, focusing again. I have set a goal that all I will purchase all of my Christmas gifts before Thanksgiving, and I am happy to report that I am almost done. Next on my list is getting my mother's gift, grrr. So while we were shopping I paid close attention to things she was picking up and I made the mistake of directly asking her what she wanted. She replied with, "Don't spend you're money on me, just get me some cheap concealer at Wal-Mart."

Now being a young single mother who is going into debt paying for college I somewhat appreciate this. At the same time I wanted to slap her. If I show up at Christmas with a $3 thing of concealer I will be blackballed not only by my brother and sister, but by my MOTHER. I actually have the resources to buy nice gifts this year and she tells me concealer, WTH?!

I also just discovered less then a minute ago that there is a den of possums living 20 feet from my house. I am sitting nice and quiet on my porch smoking and writing this to be disturbed by a freaking possum! Really wish that prozac would kick in.......

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Some Parents....

I really have an issue with people who want have children and then not take care of the children properly after they arrive. Now I know we all make mistakes as parents and that's fine, completely understandable. But giving an INFANT a crap load of Tylenol to make the baby sleep when you don't want to deal with a newborn, or taking an infant to an outdoor baseball game while the child has an ear infection is completely ignorant. I really think that people should be made to take a basic childcare and aptitude test before they are allowed to reproduce. makes me so angry when so many people who want children and would be good to children and can't have them, then some moron pops kids out like rabbits and does not take care of them. Okay, I'll step off of the soapbox now.


Hi and Welcome to my blog! Let me start off by introducing myself, my name is Kenzi. I am currently a stay at home mommy to a beautiful 3-year-old daughter, Boo. My Boo is my world, I am so proud of her and she is my inspiration in life. I will soon be working towards a Culinary Arts degree with focus on Baking and Pastry.

I currently live in North Texas and I love it here! I am a simple small town girl born and bred. I would like to thank my dear friend Bobbi for helping me begin blogging; you can blame her later, LOL! There isn’t any particular theme to this blog other then my life; some of it will be funny, a lot will be funny in a sad way. Please join me on this comical adventure while I attempt to figure out motherhood and life!