Friday, April 22, 2011

Busy Busy

I have been so busy and not busy all at the same time. Mainly I am overwhelmed I think. To catch everyone up, I start Culinary school May 12! Hooray!! I am so excited and scared at the same time. This is my dream and now that is real to me I am experiencing some self doubt. What if I am not good enough? What if I end up hating it? Now I know that I am being silly. I have a natural talent when it comes to baking and cooking, I just need to be refined. Well I'm sure I will be okay when school actually starts.

My sweet little Boo has morphed into a hateful teenager at 3. Yes, it is true! My little darling baby that I rocked, who cooed and smiled at me is now sassy. The other day she did something she wasn't supposed to do so I sent her in the house to time out. When she was walking away from me she started saying how she didn't love me anymore. I told her that I love her very much and that is why she is in trouble. She then started crying that I wasn't fair. Seriously?! I didn't think that I would have to deal with this attitude for a few years! I'm not ready for it.

Last week due to a series of events I ended up staying at the love's house for 3 days. We had some bad days during that time and I can't believe how we managed to laugh it all off and work it out. We had so much fun, doing absolutely nothing other then just being with each other and the kiddos. Since leaving my love's I have missed him more then I thought was possible. I find it amazing how my love for him keeping growing.
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