Monday, April 12, 2010
OK, OK I know I've been horrible
I know, I have been naughty, just send me to time out and I am sorry for not blogging for about 4 months. But I am back, promise! A lot has happened over the past 4 months. I lost the really wonderful guy that I was planning on marrying, turns out he was a complete scum bag that was already married. I lost one best friend, reconnected with another after 6 years! I LOVE YOU D! Joined eHarmony, I'll post updates on that. Mastered making garlic mashed potatoes, you're welcome D. Been molding the next generation and I have gotten back into church. Rededicated my life to the Lord and I'm really trying (struggling) to be a positive person.
I had a revelation the night while I was sitting in church. I am a horrible, cynical, bitter person and I need to let go. So I am letting go, I already feel better. God is great!
About 6 years ago I lost my best friend, D, because he started dating a chick who didn't grasp the concept that he and I are strictly friends. D and I meant when we were in the 6th grade at a dance. We became fast friends and over the course of about a year we were best friends. D then moved away our freshman year but our friendship continued the same. Then our senior year decided to listen to his little head and start dating this hot chick who was and still is CRAZY!!! We stopped talking and about a year ago we sorta got back in touch on Facebook. This February the crazy hot chick decided to sleep with another guy while she and D were still in a committed relationship, needless to say D was hurt and confused, to be honest he was an absolute wreck. He called me up and I invited to come stay with me which he did. D and I are back into our old habits. It's weird, you know how they say twins can feel each other? I feel D, I love him. He and I will always be best friends. For my Twilight readers our bond is like that of Bella and Jacob's after Renesmee is born. I love my bestie!
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