Well sorry for that extended break, between my lovely daughter not sleeping, Thanksgiving, wrapping the Christmas presents and decorating; blogging was picker to suffer. Hey I try to be Supermom but sometimes I can't get it all!
Well I had a scary revelation today. For those who don't know me in real life, I live in a small, rural town. Today (on a Sunday no less) at 8:30 a.m. the local Subway had an armed robbery. That's really scary, apparently the 17 year old clerk was not injured just terrified and the suspect got away. The scary revelation is not only this happen about 2 1/2 blocks from my house but I'm not safe in a small town. It freaks me out that my daughter cannot go outside and play the way I did as a child. I have lived in this town my entire life and I no longer feel safe. I would expect this in a larger city but not here and not on a Sunday morning before I got out of bed.
Okay so that was my deep depressing news for the day, now on to happy things! Bella has been potty training for 2 days now and I am happy to report that she has only had 2 accidents wearing big girl panties! Thank God, diaper days are almost gone!
The day of Christmas I am leaving on a week long, kid free vacation!! Ed and I will be driving to North Carolina. We decided to drive mainly because I am freaked out to fly that far on a holiday and I have never seen that part of the country. So my blogging buddies I will be making a photo diary of my trip. I don't know if I will be able to upload as I go but I will be sharing my vacay with you all!
And in the spirit of the holiday, past and future, I am making a challenge to my readers. If you decide to post a comment to this blog please make an "I'm Thankful for.." comment.
I am thankful for my wonderful family, related and not, who are there to support me, challenge me to be the best I can, and love me regardless everyday of the year.